Work Experience

Long-term Development of TOP Management at KINGSBOX

“If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far, go together” says the old African proverb. This is guiding the collaboration with KINGSBOX’s top management where we are building the sense of togetherness and psychological safety first in the management team and consequently in the whole company. Management is consistently investing in their knowledge and skills to lead their teams most efficiently, avoiding psychological games and team dysfunction. It is an ongoing process of personal and professional growth with a focus on self-regulation.

Leadership Development & Performance Coaching at TRIMO

The whole middle management team of Trimo was active in a 3-moth Leadership bootcamp – a set of intensive training that focuses on building new behavioral patterns (habits). The goal of the program was to elevate their leadership skills by understating concepts of transformational leadership and also developing new habits that incorporate those concepts in their everyday work and leading. The impact of the program was on higher employee engagement, especially the dimension of involvement, which is associated with better focus and concentration at work.

Senior Consultant and Coach at Useful Psychology

Since 2017 I am in the role of Senior Consultant and Coach at Useful Psychology – an educational company that aims to empower individuals with concrete knowledge and psychological tools to make them more satisfied, engaged and healthy. I conduct training, workshops, coaching (individual and team) and supervision.

Art of Non-Stressful Productivity - ADDIKO BANK

Learning how to be productive by using less energy is an important skill in today’s business environment. Understanding our working style (its advantages and limitations) is crucial for managing our energy efficiently. We learn about different time-management strategies and experiment with them in practice to see which suits us best. A big part of the program is developing self-regulation skills and building healthy habits that enable us to be productive without added stress.

Head of internal coaching

From 2017 to 2020 I gained a lot of experience working as a Head of internal coaching at Petrol – a leading regional energy company where we set up a system for internal coaching with the emphasis on performance coaching and sales skills. The system included selection, training and supervision of more than 300 internal coaches and trainers. The key element of my work was to change people’s beliefs and mindset into a more proactive one and then hold them accountable for their own development.

Program Director

From 2013 to 2017 I was a Program Director at the Ypsilon Institute, one of the most recognized NGOs for youth and intergenerational cooperation in Slovenia. I was in charge of strategic development, implementation of new projects that would offer young people the best possible conditions for growth and development.

Professional Associate

Previous to Ypsilon Institute I was a Professional Associate at Teambuilding Academy (TBA), where I organized and conducted workshops in the field of soft skills, teamwork and leadership skills, and participated in the organization of major business events and conferences, with an emphasis on innovative approaches.


Head of the "High Performing Coach - BOOTCAMP" program

In it, I conceptualize, lead and implement a program for 20 international coaches from all over the world that want to increase their performance, improve their sales results and optimize the process of delivering training and workshops. The Bootcamp is an intensive 3-month training program whose main objectives are to encourage and monitor the development of goal orientation, focus and self-discipline in the light of the development of communication-leadership skills. It is a combination of online team meetings, individual work of coaches and the use of a platform for the process of creating new, more effective habits.

COACHING PSYCHOLOGY – Certified Program for Coaching

Coaching psychology is a practical program based on experiential learning, reflection process and group supervision. Emphasis is on mastering concrete algorithms and strategies that make a coaching process a success. It is intended for managers, HR professionals and consultants that wish to develop or upgrade their coaching skills. More than 50 coaches have gained a certificate from Coaching Psychology and are now successfully using their skills as external or internal coaches.

Building an Internal Coaching System - Akrapovič

Akrapovič company has decided to build a sustainable and effective coaching system that will support leaders and experts in their development and realization of a strategic company. Tactical leaders are learning coaching skills and with the help of internal coaches, they are integrating those skills in their leadership style to empower employees, make them more proactive and willing to take responsibility.

INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH - Remote teamwork in the time of Covid 19

Time of pandemic and restrictions profoundly influenced teamwork and how we do business. We designed research to better understand the current situation and challenges teams and leaders are facing with the extended Covid-19 pandemic. We explored beliefs connected with the importance of teamwork for organizational success and what are the main team dysfunctions present in remote teamwork.

The implementer of the "Agile Thinking and Performance Coaching" program - LIDL Slovenia

We strengthen proactivity and responsibility-taking in employees. An important part of the program is the strengthening of goal-oriented skills, which are the basis for the use of the “problem-solving model”.

Coaching for Young People - Scouts Association of Slovenia

We designed a program that equipped some of the older scouts with growth mindset and coaching skills. They are now internal coaches and are collaborating with younger scouts in the coaching process. They guide them through the process of reflection, defining areas of growth, setting clear goals, designing an action plan and holding them accountable for the progress.

Lecturer at the "Online leadership academy" - GEA College

It is designed for managers and entrepreneurs to upgrade their management skills to work more effectively as a leader. In the framework of the leadership academy, I lectured on the power of questions and the use of coaching elements in leadership.

Complete List of Publications

1. Published original articles in peer-review journals

ĐUVELEK, Sabina in LINDIČ, Jaka. Vzpostavitev internega coachinga v podjetju. Ekonomska fakulteta, 2021. [COBISS.SI-ID – 77468931]

ĐUVELEK, Sabina in LEP, Žan. Preliminarno preverjanje merskih značilnosti slovenskega prevoda Vprašalnika na cilje usmerjenih kompetenc coachinga. Anthropos, 2020, let. 52, št. ½.

ĐUVELEK, Sabina in LEP, Žan. Učinkovitost internih coachev = Efficiency of internal coaches. 2019, separat. Ljubljana: Sofos, Inštitut za upravljanje znanja in razvoj talentov. [COBISS.SI-ID 69869666]

ĐUVELEK, Sabina in LEP, Žan. Merjenje ciljne usmerjenosti coachev : pilotna študija. 2019, separat. Ljubljana: Sofos, Inštitut za upravljanje znanja in razvoj talentov. [COBISS.SI-ID 69869922]

ĐUVELEK, Sabina in LEP, Žan. Zakaj razvijati mrežo notranjih coachev? 2019, Human Resources Management (HRM), let. 5, št. 25. str. 13-14.  [COBISS.SI-ID 71040866]

ĐUVELEK, Sabina in BOŠTJANČIČ, Eva. Strokovna usposobljenost slovenskih coachev: nizki vstopni pogoji na področje coachinga – kaj prinašajo? 2013, Human Resources Management (HRM), let. 11, št. 56, str. 31-33 [COBISS.SI-ID 55576674]

ĐUVELEK, Sabina. Lahko izvršni coaching pripomore k višji konkurenčnosti podjetja? 2015, Human Resources Management (HRM), let. 13, št. 67, str. 37-39 [COBISS.SI-ID 58771298]

2. Edited Books

BITENC, Vesna, ĐUVELEK, Sabina in KREK, Neža. Učbenik za coache popotnikov in popotnic: z vprašanji v podporo mladim. 2018, Ljubljana: Zveza tabornikov Slovenije. [COBISS.SI-ID 296012288].

3. Book Chapters

ĐUVELEK, Sabina in DOLENC, Tanja. Kako zakon opredeljuje zaključevanje kariere (samostojno poglavje) v Zaključevanje kariere – od teorije k praksi (ur. Eva Boštjančič in Lara Delić). Ljubljana, 2014, str. 21-34. Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, Ljubljana. [COBISS.SI-ID 67586146].

4. Conference contributions

ĐUVELEK, Sabina. Povezanost emocionalne inteligentnosti, na cilje usmerjenih kompetenc in delovne zavzetost z učinkovitostjo internega coachinga. Psihološka obzorja, 2016, let. 25, str. 124. 740. [COBISS.SI-ID 62207330].

ĐUVELEK, Sabina in LEP, Žan. Učinkovitost internih coachev. 2019, Zbornik prispevkov coaching konference, 7. junija 2019 v Portorožu, str. 12-15. [COBISS.SI-ID 69817698].

ĐUVELEK, Sabina in LEP, Žan. Merjenje ciljne usmerjenosti coachev: pilotna študija. 2019, Zbornik prispevkov coaching konference, 7. junija 2019 v Portorožu, str. 12-15. [COBISS.SI-ID 69818210].

5. Publications in preparing or printing

ĐUVELEK, Sabina in LINDIČ, Jaka. Interni coaching and best practices. 2021, Faculty of Economics (in preparation).