I am a challenger that loves a challenge.

The process of continuously going out of my comfort zone into a growth zone inspires me to be a better version of myself. Sharing knowledge is one of my main passions.

about me

I have a Ph.D. in Coaching Psychology – doctoral dissertation was focused on measuring the effectiveness of internal coaching and analyzing factors that influence its efficacy, such as emotional intelligence, goal-focused competencies, work engagement and personality traits.

I conceptualize and implement strategic programs that empower people to be more:

  • proactive,
  • responsible,
  • creative,
  • agile and
  • willing to take on new challenges.

Work in the community


EMCC Slovenia

Founding member of EMCC Slovenia (European mentoring and coaching council) and president of the EMCC Slovenia honorary tribunal.


Coaching Psychology Academy

Co-founder of Coaching Psychology Academy – program for systematic and quality education of coaches.


Slovenian Coaching Association

Member of the Slovenian Coaching Association and support in the organization of the annual Coaching and Mentoring Conference.


Executive Board of the Section for Psychology of Work and Organization

Member of the Executive Board of the Section for Psychology of Work and Organization, within the Association of Psychologists of Slovenia.



Participant in the 5th generation AmCham Young Professional Program (2014/2015) and member of the Young Leaders Club.

My Top 5 Strengths:



I would describe myself as a “curious student eager to learn”. My aspiration to be open-minded and to keep curiosity is one of my main principles in life, therefore I keep moving forward, exploring and opening new doors.


I am very goal-oriented and dedicated to achieving the targets we set up. I am productive and can dictate the tempo of workflow to “get things done”.



I love turning ideas into reality. That is why I am usually the catalyst that gets the process going and infects people with positive energy and a “We can do this!” attitude.


I can notice and appreciate the unique qualities of an individual and then use that knowledge to create synergies between team members that lead to better results and efficiency.


I believe in my capabilities and instincts to guide me in uncertain situations to make the best possible decisions. With my skills and knowledge, I am great at empowering others to be more self-assured and confident.

Experience & Projects

Since September 2020, I am a Professor of Psychology at Sigmund Freud University for psychotherapy and also the pioneer of “Coaching Psychology” in a psychological counseling center.


Senior Consultant and Coach at Useful Psychology

Head of internal coaching at Petrol

Program Director at the Ypsilon Institute

Professional Associate at Teambuilding Academy (TBA)


I have published many articles, books and book chapters.

You will find a complete list of publications here.


Akrapovič: the implementer of the internal coaching network for tactical leaders 

LIDL Slovenia: the implementer of the “Agile Thinking and Performance Coaching” program

GEA College: lecturer at the “Online leadership academy

Scouts Association of Slovenia: designer of program that equipped some of the older scouts with growth mindset and coaching skills